Friday, August 27, 2010

Logo Sketch-Idea #1 (Graphics Course)

This is my first conceptual process for a logo design that has meaning behind the image.

*Representation of where I'm from... Central Illinois: home of the Horseshoe (toast, ham, french fries, and cheese).  The next time you're in the area, I highly suggest ordering one!

Logo Sketch-Idea #2 (Graphics Course)

My second representational logo--a little more straight forward to the viewer...  Guess away!

*Starbucks Gingerbread Latte

Thursday, August 19, 2010

My Delicious Site Bookmarks

Click on the following link to check out the bookmarks I have tagged of various sites that I find beneficial whether it's for more knowledge about sustainability, visually pleasing images of masters and contemporary artists and designers, or exciting information I have found out about in the world of Interior Design.

Of course, I have a link on this site to bring one back to this current blog!  Check it out!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010