This semester has been flying by and there is only a little over a month left. Group projects have been going over well this semester and we all seem to be coming together to make some innovative concepts! Here is a wrap up of what the first half of the semester has looked like:
Advertising: Our group came up with the company name Orange Global Advertising and I created a logo for the group.

Now, we are working on radio and television advertisements for the American target market and our current idea is to take various everyday situations and have people discussing what they want for dinner. Then we are going to have one of us play the Australian character and randomly pop up to inform these people to "Go To Outback". Then by the end of the ads we inform the audience that "We're always just right Outback". So soon to come will be our group television advertisement!
Commercial Architecture: This class we are learning about the construction methods and various materials that are used in construction situations that deal with commercial architecture. For the project, we are given the freedom to make the structure how we feel fit on Revit. We were given a layout for a bank on the main level and the freedom to make the rest of the structure how we would like. I have decided to make the main level a bank, the second level a daycare (for employees within the building to have a place to take their kids), and the third level a cafe (for everyone to enjoy and relax). The third level stairs go up to the roof top and people are given the option when the weather is nice to enjoy the rooftop. Conceptually, I am thinking of using a "Alice in Wonderland" theme, where the bank is very sophisticated and English looking with dark woods and marbles on the main floor. Which leads to Wonderland on the second floor and is enticing to children of all ages with state of the art technology and vibrant colors and textures. The third floor is the cafe and plays on the idea of the Mad Hatter and his tea party's. The cafe and the rooftop will have defined paths with unexpected elements found within. Currently, this project is about half way complete and the interiors are being created. When I make perspectives, I'll try to print and scan a few to add to the blog!
Consumer Behavior: This class we have two group projects that teach us to look beyond the first layer of reasons why people consume what they do and find the underlying meanings of consumer purchases. For the subculture project, our group has chosen Harry Potter fanatics and this subject has turned out to be deeper than I expected. While our second project, we were to chose a high end consumption and figure out what is in common between our research subjects. Our group chose to look at the purchase decision of why people chose the college that they did. We just got done conducting our one on one interviews and next we will find the common factors amongst are discussions which will then be the basis of our report. Stay tuned for our Harry Potter and College Consumption presentations/outcomes!
Ultimately, the end of this semester is going to come fast and there are a lot of projects that need to get wrapped up.... So I better get back to a project!