Our next and final project we are working on for Graphics class is a how to zine. I have chosen to make my zine on 'how to select the right pair of shoes for an outfit'. I've always had a fascination with shoes as I've been getting older and I thought this was a great time to explore shoes a little more! Plus, a go to guide for someone when they are shopping for shoes could come in handy some day when they are in a dilemna between what look to go for.
For my research, I'm looking at various fashion magazines, fashion books, and how to guides. I found a book titled, "The Girls' Book of Glamour-A Guide to Being a Goddess" which has many how to examples in it. This book is a good reference of how to word the text in the zine that will be created. Another book I've fallen in love with is a book on Manolo Blahnik by Colin McDowel which has a fabulous selection of various shoe images. Other images I've found were in a "Fashion Sketchbook" book and I believe I will learn how to sketch shoes from here and render a few of my own for the zine!
The images below are from these various sources.. So enjoy them as much as I have so far!
Sounds like a great idea. Don't forget that you can look at a lot of the archived magazines in the library. Just pick a specific year. I like the page that has the how to draw shoes. That could give you a lot of ideas on how to be more specific in the "how to" part of it.